Help. And Hope.
And Peace of Mind.

Since 2006, Grant Halliburton Foundation has trained more than 350,000 students, teachers, parents, and professionals on how to recognize and respond to someone in major distress or suicidal crisis.

We do this through a variety of avenues including education, conferences, collaboration, and encouragement.


Grant Halliburton Foundation offers educational presentations for students, educators, parents, and professionals on mental wellness, suicide prevention, bullying, resilience, and other issues that impact youth mental health.

Our programs for children and teens include Building Block of Mental Health, Bounce Back: Building Resilience for When Life Gets Tough, and Rise: Change Your World. Our adult programs are SAFE! Issues Affecting Today’s Teens and How We Can Help, and Bounce Back: Building Resilience in Children and Teens, and The Cost of Silence. The Foundation also created Thrive, a comprehensive strategy for mental, social, and emotional health curriculum in schools.


The Foundation’s educational conference When Life Hands You Teenagers is designed to bring the latest information on teen mental health to parents, school counselors, mental health professionals, and others who live or work with teens. At this conference, featuring keynote presentations by leading mental health experts and TeenED Talks, attendees learn about the issues impacting young people and how to help. 


We collaborate with many organizations recognized for their leadership in the field of mental health, including The Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute, UT Dallas Center for Brain Health, Dallas County Behavioral Health Leadership Team, Southern Dallas Alliance of Mental Health Professionals, Collin County Coalition for Behavioral Healthcare, Texoma Behavioral Health Leadership Authority, National Alliance on Mental Illness, North Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians, and many others.

Through these partnerships, we’ve identified gaps in community mental health services and continuously work together to implement programs addressing those gaps.


The Foundation offers Coffee Days peer support groups for women and the Dad2Dad Breakfast Speaker Series for men. Both groups offer an opportunity to share experiences, resources, and information for teen and young adult mental health. There’s no cost to attend either group.


Here For Texas is a program of Grant Halliburton Foundation, which includes and the Here For Texas Mental Health Navigation Line. These free community tools aim to offer easy access for Texans seeking mental health and addiction information and resources.

Hear what others are saying.

Maloree Banks Quote
Susan Sugerman Quote
Sierra Sanchez Quote
High School Student Mental Health Quote
