Mental Health Education Brochures

Grant Halliburton Foundation offers a variety of low-cost educational materials for order. To order any of our listed brochures and wallet card, complete the order form below. USPS shipping charges are included in the price of each brochure pack.

TAG – You’re It! Wallet Card

Most people who are thinking of taking their own lives tell a friend first. Would you know what to do if you were face-to-face with a friend in suicidal crisis?

This helpful and easy-to-access wallet card helps people remember TAG, which just might help save a life.

¡TE TOCA TI! Tarjeta de Bolsillo

La mayoría de las personas que están pensando en quitarse su vida siempre le dicen a un amigo cercano primero. ¿Sabrías que hacer si estuvieras frente-a-frente con un amigo que se encuentra en una crisis suicida?

Esta tarjeta de bolsillo es bastante útil y te ayudara a recordar TAG, información que te puede ayudar a salvar una vida.

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How to Save a Life

When asked who they would turn to if they were in emotional distress, most young people say they would reach out to a friend.

This helpful and brochure teaches young people to learn how to recognize the warning signs of suicide and when to get help.

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This Is What Depression Looks Like

It’s normal for teens and young adults to feel down or moody sometimes. But when those feelings last for weeks, it could mean that something more serious is going on.

This helpful brochure teaches young people how to recognize the signs of depression in themselves and how to get help.
